Mediation has seen a lot of variants over the years. Some believe in the power of meditation while some don't. And it's completely fine if they have their own idea on this topic which isn't really clear to the human mind yet. There are thousands of books in the market speaking of the power of the meditative mind but none seem motivational enough. What if you get to read one such book written by a spiritual 'master’ and his 'disciple’ where they take you through the journey? The Heartfulness way by Kamlesh D Patel (Daaji) and Joshua Pollock is one such book.
About the book- If you knew that was a practical way to transcend suffering and fly into the sky of hope and contentment, would you be interested? That is exactly what heartfulness offers - transforming us from the inside out so that we see the world in a new way, without the filters of our limitations.
To begin with, in the midst of all the books available in the market this one particular book attracted me for a few reasons. The first reason was the cover of the book. How I love the beautiful and enriching book cover that the book has. To top it off, it is basically a paperback with a book jacket and it feels so good to hold. Teamed up with cream colored pages, this book is everything I like in a book put together. Next, the blurb and the tagline of the book that says, “Heart based meditations for spiritual transformation” made me pick this one up.
I can today safely say that I found this book when I needed this book the most. I wouldn't have had the depth of understanding what the book has to say if I didn't read this book at the time I read it. The book takes off from the time Joshua sits and talks to Daaji regarding mediation and everything associated with it. Dare I say, through Joshua I felt that my questions were also answered. Throughout the book as the two co-authors of the book talk and discuss about everything related to meditation, the book also teaches the readers on how to meditate.
All the myths associated with meditation are busted and one reading of the book in itself is enriching for the soul. By the time you reach the conclusion of the book, you know what you're stepping for. Coming to the cons of the book I have to say a few words. For starters, like I already mentioned, this book caught me at the right time. I believe that when we pick up a book based on such a topic, it should come naturally to us and no matter what situation we're in or what we're going through, the book should connect to us.
The only flaw of this book can be the fact that it is for the serious crowd written in layman's language. I would've loved it had the book been written in a more quirky shade. The second half of the book, specially. That apart, everything about this book is wonderful. To me, this one takes back a 4 on 5 and I am looking forward to taking the Heartfulness Way...