
Tuesday 14 August 2018

Iridescent Life by Sonal Bharija Singh: a review

Every single book is a part of somebody's life. Iridescent life by Sonal Bharija Singh is one such book. This piece of nonfiction has my heart in many ways than one. It has the power to change everyone's outlook towards themselves and being in a relationship. It changes the way you look at yourself and that is what makes the book all the more worth it. Here's a snippet of what the book blurb is all about…

About the book- this book is a story of life by a person's Outlook that everyone can relate to. It is about every individual who has been in a relationship. It's about anyone who has ever been happy or rejected. This book is just a small effort to help people recognise the answers and then life as it is essential to understand life before acting on it.

The blurb ends with the line “There are more colors to life than just black and white” and rightfully so. That's something I personally believe in and this made the book all the more worth it. To begin with, the cover of the book had an effect that will soothe your mind, at least for me. Then what follows is series of incidents that shape the author what she is today.

The chapters in the book touches every single aspect of life that it may face. For example, being healthy, divorced, love, God, rebellion, chaos, calmness and much more. The book is narrated in first person where the author describes her life and draws Morales from it. Even, she explains how in different ways she can be motivated to write on different topics.

There weren't much grammatical errors in the book as such and the chapters weren't that lengthy. Also, unlike other non fiction books in the market these days, the book isn't boring and that makes this 106 page book worth that one read that everyone should pick up once in his/her lifetime. The takeaways from the book are diverse and everyone is sure to learn something or the other from it.

As for the cons, for an avid reader, this book doesn't suit the bill. Also, it is targeted to almost specific group of people. It is surely interesting but somehow I felt that the book couldn't touch me the way I wanted it to. There was lack of compactness in the writing of it which, if there, could've made this one more than just a one time read. For me, this one was 3.5 out of 5 and I would love to read more from the author. 

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